Monday, July 25, 2011

Find the difference and email me with it circled in red at last week Penguitt won!!! GOOD LUCK AND TRY TO WIN this week will be blue and green drums. Remember these are old party drums so this is your one chance to get them again this time it is free. There are 7 things to find :D.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Hey! Lots of  UPDATES  In ToonsTunes! Awesome right ? So heres a few.

ToonsTunes News Journal Box!  
Whats inside? - It's updated alot! 
News! And you know that Evil Tooner? Well take a look at this! 

When you spot him click RETURN IT!
Well bye fr now! PEACE :D 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Encore Party!!

Hey guys! On every Friday we will be hosting a Encore Party! ! ! ! ! So here are the details:
When? - Every Friday                                                        
Where? - Mall Deck
Time? - 12:00 PM Pacific, 3:00 PM Eastern
Hosts? - Debbie, Nanibobo, _Swan_
Why? - To help people get encores! ( Level up )
So there are your details!! Hope you ALL come!!      

P.S. Post this on your blogs so everyone sees it (:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pink Pictures from today :D Help Pink:D :D :D :D :D

Monday, July 18, 2011

if you can't see this zoom in. This is a game every week now that were doing you have to find the difference circle the ones you think and the first person that gets it all right will win black and yellow drums. to put in your entrance email me at please enter by the way there are 17 thing to find.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Look! It's me Swan! Wearing the Epic Guitar I bought! Hope you all got the tiems too! Good luck!

New Author ! ;) , Moonziie ! :)

Hey guys it's me Promoter Moonz ! , Here is some details about me !

My Nickname on VW 's is Moonz. I like playing VWs ! I am a good designer. I use Adobe PS Cs4! I am good at making videos too ! :) , I like going out 'N playin' Soccer ! :) .

I am a Promoter / Member On ToonsTunes ! ^^

You can email me if you need me on :

Here is ma PlayerCard !

~ Moonziiee ! :D

Monday, July 11, 2011

The day we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! Today memberships and crazy cool new stuff is coming to ToonsTunes!

Sneak Peak

Hey guys! Here is the sneak peak for membership!!! :D Hope You like!

Doesn't it sound sooooo cool!?!?! I think it does! Hopes it is awesome! Enjoy (:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Twin Party Part 2

The Twin Party has ended the the winners were

1: Waddles and Kaewest1999

2: Epic Toon and i Power

3: Starlow98 and 20master

These people were amazing with there outfits :D I am sorry to those that didn't make it and those that didn't win. I hope that you all had fun